New $Everyone likes to generate more cash- and thanks to The Federal Reserve, you can look forward to the new facelift on $100-bills. Beginning in October, America will have a new $100 Euro-style bill which changes color and has super high-tech security features. The Federal Reserve said yesterday that it will begin circulating the $100 bill which has been redesigned with high-tech security features this fall – more than two years after its initial target. While Ben Franklin’s face remains, there’s a new security strip next to it, embedded in the fabric, not printed. Other features include:

Bell in the inkwell changes from green to copper when titled

Portrait watermark visible from either side

Large gold 100 helps the visually impaired

New vignette back of Independence Hall

Take a look at CNN’s video on the topic; it’s a lot of fun. So let’s keep compounding interest on your retirement plans so there will be plenty of greenbacks when it’s time for retirement.